WHO Poll

w4hammer 6:04 Tue Dec 6
Careers for certified nutters..
scaffolding has to be # 1. There three lads working opposite me taking down scaffolding on a house- its fucking dark- the only light on is the streetlight? All for £ 150 a day? Fuck that?!

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

greenie1 7:24 Thu Dec 8
Re: Careers for certified nutters..
Miners. Total respect to them for going underground everyday

mallard 7:19 Thu Dec 8
Re: Careers for certified nutters..
People who drive articulated lorries over frozen lakes

Hani 5:58 Thu Dec 8
Re: Careers for certified nutters..
I don't think there is a trade that attracts so many loud mouth divs as scaffolders,

Pee Wee 4:33 Thu Dec 8
Re: Careers for certified nutters..

Dan M 6:15 Tue Dec 6
Re: Careers for certified nutters..

That lineman needs a small vacation.

Well I laughed, but then I'm old and easily pleased

mashed in maryland 4:31 Thu Dec 8
Re: Careers for certified nutters..
ohgodno 4:03 Thu Dec 8

When I used to knock about in rocker/goth/emo boozers, I'd honestly say the vast majority of people who were employed worked as carers. Always puzzled me why I never came across many people like that in any sort of job I've done, and I swear it's because they all work in care.

flyingV 4:09 Thu Dec 8
Re: Careers for certified nutters..
Toe Rag 1:33 Thu Dec 8
Re: Careers for certified nutters..

Clerkenwell is still mostly creative, loads of design studios and the like.

Definitely gentrified though.

ohgodno 4:03 Thu Dec 8
Re: Careers for certified nutters..
Any sort of unqualified care work is populated by 30% fucking weird nutters who you honestly wouldn't let look after your dog. Mostly females but the males are the worst.

Chigwell 3:56 Thu Dec 8
Re: Careers for certified nutters..
Abattoir worker. If you weren't a nutter to start with, you'd quickly become one.

mashed in maryland 1:36 Thu Dec 8
Re: Careers for certified nutters..
*Considers moving to Islington and becoming a cycle courier*

martyboy 1:36 Thu Dec 8
Re: Careers for certified nutters..
Tree Surgeons, bloody tree monkeys, and swinging around with a chain saw in hand!!! proper nut jobs!!

Toe Rag 1:33 Thu Dec 8
Re: Careers for certified nutters..
Yeah, it's a gastro pub now bruuuuno. Such is progress. You're right though Clerkenwell was a great area round that time. Quite a creative place. Lots of studios and photographic labs around still at that time. All gone now to be replaced by I'm not quite sure what.

Far Cough 1:18 Thu Dec 8
Re: Careers for certified nutters..
No, you were correct the first time

MrBen 12:12 Thu Dec 8
Re: Careers for certified nutters..
*BANKING, of course...

MrBen 12:08 Thu Dec 8
Re: Careers for certified nutters..
Surprised BAKING hasn't been mentioned. Most are Socio/Psychopaths (of the high-functioning kind).

bruuuno 12:03 Thu Dec 8
Re: Careers for certified nutters..
I think it's all been poncified now like everywhere else round there. Ckerkenwell/Farringdon was a great place to be latenineties/early 2000s. Best place in London back then. Sad to see what's happened to it but it's all £££ now

bruuuno 12:01 Thu Dec 8
Re: Careers for certified nutters..
Yea the duke of York. Great place in the summer. Can't remember a pinball machine though was it by the pool table?

It was in lonely planet or similar as being the best place in London to score drugs so it's no wonder it got raided

w4hammer 11:16 Thu Dec 8
Re: Careers for certified nutters..
old school steel erection- fucking hell!


Toe Rag 9:05 Thu Dec 8
Re: Careers for certified nutters..
The Duke of York at the top of Vine Hill bruuuuno? Now called the Clerk and Well. The couriers were always off their nuts as well, to the point where it got so blatant what was going on in there that the place got raided.

joe royal 8:46 Thu Dec 8
Re: Careers for certified nutters..
One of the rare pubs that had a pinball machine in it.

bruuuno 12:32 Thu Dec 8
Re: Careers for certified nutters..
Stop trying to groom me antley you weirdy beardy slag

Ronald_antly 12:26 Thu Dec 8
Re: Careers for certified nutters..
So the Aussies had Irish accents?

That's weird.

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